Monday 10 July 2017


I wonder if God ever looks at the forecast and says, "Ah shit, I have to make it rain again?"

He has to get some dust together, lift a bunch of water (water is really heavy), form it into the right kind of cloud, add in some lightning (which uses a lot of hydro) and aim it at people on the ground so it destroys their day. If He's in a bad mood he pulls some golfball hail from the freezer and pelts it at us.

Sounds like a lot of work. It must the equivalent of us having to do laundry. Dirt, water, soap, mix together, sit and read a magazine.

Isn't it easier to just let it be nice and sunny every day? Give the rain to the night shift guy.

I bet God enjoys earthquakes the most. A tiny shake by his finger, complete mayhem and death.

One of the fringe benefits of being all-powerful.