Monday 13 June 2016
That Sinking Feeling
What's up with these sink holes appearing everywhere? Is the earth developing a huge acne problem?
I don't think so.
I think the earth is slowly gobbling up humanity.
That's what I would do if I were a planet, covered with "insects" that were destroying me.
As a planet, I couldn't starve or suffocate them, as much as I would like to. That would kill all the other nice living creatures who don't need air conditioning, iPhones and plastic water bottles to survive.
Think of it as a huge Pac-Man game, and we're those little dots. I just hope the earth doesn't start playing that annoying video game music. Drives me nuts.
That's why I prefer Call of Duty, Infinite Warfare, as far as video games go. Head shots make a much more pleasant sound than that repetitive music.
Unfortunately, the earth's aim isn't very good. It had a chance to devour Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and blew it big time.
I think this strategy was decided in a meeting of the planets.
Earth: You guys sure lucked out. No life. Giving these humans free room and board really irks me.
Mars: I use to have life. How annoying was that? I suffocated them all.
Earth: That seems harsh. Plus I really like whales, dolphins, elephants. So cute.
Uranus: Eat 'em.
Earth: C'est what, now?
Uranus: Gobble them up. Chow down on human civilization. Of course, you won't be able to poop them out like I can, but you'll be happier.
Saturn: Ya, eat them. I'll be watching ring side.
Earth: What do you think, Pluto?
Pluto: The way they treat me? Hope you have a good appetite.