Friday 2 December 2016
What Colour is Your Dog's Parachute?
I love the idea of dogs in the workplace.
Dogs should be in all workplaces.
Here's a list of some workplaces where dogs should be present:
• your local abattoir
• helicopter tours, in the helicopter
• synchronized swimming lessons, in the pool
• germ labs, sitting quietly beside the tubes of botulism, anthrax and clostridium botulinum
(botox), very carefully waging his tail
• the International Space Station
• magic shows, with the lady in the box being sawed in half
• in the supreme court, sitting to the left, because all dogs lean to the left (except the American pit
bull terrier, which leans to the alt right)
• in the cockpits of all planes
In some workplaces there should only be dogs.
Like the White House.
Instead of the White House going to the dogs, dogs should run the White House.