Sunday 6 May 2018

Online Shopping

I have my feet in two worlds when it comes to shopping.

I love the convenience of online shopping. It's over in seconds. No bag-carrying. I'm not exhausted by the end of it.

Still, I miss the old-style experience of searching for stuff and lining up to pay.

That's why when I shop online, first I wander around my house for a couple of hours, searching for shit. I don't need to, but it reminds me of the old days. That wonderful tired feeling of successfully finding what I want, even though I know what I want and it isn't in my house.

When it comes time to pay online, I have some friends over to dick around on the computer while I line up behind them, waiting to complete my purchase. My feet get numb. I get really impatient. Then, finally, my friends go home and I get to pay.

Best of both worlds, folks.