Saturday 26 May 2018

Learn more from your failures

Boy do I despise the phrase, "You learn more from your failures than from your successes."

Hey Life, I've learned enough, thanks. Time for a little success.

I know I won't learn quite as much, but I'll be okay. Really, I will. The download bar on my brain is at full anyway.

How do you know the other guy that got that job doesn't have more to learn than me? Shouldn't we sit in a room together and do some kind of a test?

Tell you what. Give me some success and I'll sign up for a few online courses so I keep learning. I'll take some DIY shit, a couple of cooking classes, maybe become a Class A Mechanic.

Deal? I'm ready for some success now, thank you.

Maybe get Amazon to deliver it. One day delivery, please. I'll pay for it.