Thursday 10 November 2016

Product Displacement

I was in the book store today and I saw a curious Christmas gift.

This blog could be about the fact that there are fucking Christmas gifts in the goddamn book store on fucking November 10. And ugly decorations and seriously sappy and fucked up Christmas carols playing. But it's fucking not.

It's about the strange gift. It's called Das Beer Boot and it's a beer glass in a boot shape. I thought about it for some time. But it still escaped me as to why someone wants to drink a beer out of a boot. I mean, why a boot? Or, if you can make peace with the desire to drink from a boot, why beer in particular? Can it be a water glass too? A wine bootcanter? Maybe a small booty for gravies and dipping sauces?

Do Germans engage in this behaviour? Is that why the name begins with "Das", meaning "The". Why not just "The" in Canada and "Das" in Germany for the German version?

Does "Das" lend it more credibility as a boot that you would drink from, because Germans make good beer? Or is it good boots they make? Does a drinking boot need credentials? Or was this boot modelled after the boots worn by the SS?

Does this mean I should be eating my Wackies cereal from a jock strap? Or present my asparagus tips on my cummerbund?

I guess when I can get all these question answered I'll start my shopping.