Friday 9 October 2015

Uber Everywhere

Uber is a brilliant business model. It's the wave of the future.

Here are a few businesses that would do well using the Uber model.

Uber Fertility Clinic:
It's called Uberm. Women having trouble getting pregnant call us up on their cell, we go to their location and give them the ride of their life.

Yes it takes business away from some poor husband, but he's obviously not doing a good job.

Uberm is all about enhancing the passenger experience. We'll get them to where they want to be much quicker. In about 5 seconds, actually.

Uber Suicide Hotline:
Feeling down in the dumps? Want to end it all?

Call us from atop that bridge for a quick pick-me-up.

Uber Soul Searching:
Feeling guilty? At a crossroads in your life?

Call us. We know the shortest route to your soul. We can help you find what you're looking for in there, too. We never get lost.

Uber Loner:
Are you a loner? Or just need some alone time?

Call us and we'll leave you alone.

That's right. We won't show up. We'll make sure no one else shows up too.

And in honour of the Blue Jays…

Uber Baseball:
Traffic during the World Series can be horrendous. Bases can get very loaded. Who needs the stress?

We'll take you on a safe round trip from home plate to home plate, as often as you like.

Bring some friends. Score more points and chat while you win.