Monday 30 September 2019

Plant-Based Burger Plant

Scientists, gardeners, arborists and geneticists have worked together to create the first ever burger plant.

That's right. Instead of the cumbersome process of growing plants, killing them, killing them and turning them into burgers, this new plant actually flowers burgers. Plant-based burgers, of course.

It was all an accident, really. Some guy tried a plant-based burger for the first time, found it disgusting, spat it into a field of flowers, and somehow the burgers and flowers got it on.

Keep the plant in a hot greenhouse and the burgers can cook while they're growing. Grab a bun and pluck the burger off without getting your hands messy. Pretty damn easy, eh?

Next to come is a cheeseburger plant, a taco cactus and a Chich-fil-A dandelion.