Wednesday 20 June 2018

Out the Window

Do you ever wonder why certain words exist?

I always knew you did.

Like the word defenestration. It means the action of throwing something or someone out of a window.

Was there a pressing need for this word? Were things and people flying out of windows so often that people got tired of saying, "Hey, duck, here comes something else out of a window. That's nine things in just under an hour"

"Can we shorten those two sentences? It's exhausting. Let's pick a word that in no way reminds anyone of a window."

Out of what were people thrown before the window? The door? Chimney? Which came first? Why aren't there words for this? Who decides?

And, you never really see people being thrown out of windows anymore, do you? People often jump, but there's no dedicated word for that. Well, suicide I guess. But that covers roofs, bridges, etc. Anything high up that will kill you when you jump from it.

Very often you hear of people being "thrown under the bus". Why can't we have a word for that? I'm sick of saying, "Wow, they really threw Dan under the bus, didn't they?"

Maybe someone was thrown from a window and landed under a bus. That sounds likes it's doubly bad. He was defenebustrated.

What is a window, anyway? Is it the hole in the wall part or the glass part? When we say we're having windows put in, we don't mean, hey, can you put a hole in the wall and leave it? We want glass.

Was glass around when the window was invented? If not, then invention of the window was really the invention of the hole in the wall. "That's a huge wall, put a hole in it."

"But it's a defensive wall", said the builders of the Great Wall of China.

I don't get it. It's so frustrating, I wanna get thrown out a fucking window.