Tuesday 1 November 2022

Mondegreenisms: The New Pandemic

We all suffer from it. We carry mondegreenisms around with us all day. Clanking around in our brains. Over and over.

You suffer from a mondegreen when you misunderstand words from a song and hear them as other words. Real words, but the wrong words.

Some suffer a more terrible strain than others. Like me. Take the song De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da from the Police.

Love the title. Succinct. Descriptive. Says it all. There is a particular line in this song that I have long heard as, "one named Alice Quence rapes me".

Guess what. Those aren't the right lyrics. They are, "and when their eloquence escapes me".

Turns out Alice Quence is not a real person.

Anyway. That's all I have to say to you.