Friday 25 March 2016

The Origin of TGIF

Jesus: Listen, God, I've been thinking and I feel we should call it TJIF.

God: Huh?

Jesus: Thank Jesus it's Friday. It's catchier than Good Friday. We want people following us, right?

God: Acronyms are tacky. Look what they've done with LOL. Totally overused. Drives me nuts. Sometimes I feel like crashing the whole Goddamn internet on them.

Jesus: Ya but it fits really nicely on the sign I'm making.

God: Sign? You mean a sign of God?

Jesus: Sort of. I'm starting a bar. TJIFs.

God: You'll be too busy with the Resurrection.

Jesus: There's a ton of time between that and my second coming, right? I'm sittin' around here waiting for you to send me back. "Where the hell is he?", people are asking.

God: What's with your name being on the sign? I'm in charge and you still give me grief on that. I mean, between you and Lucifer…Pisses me right off. This is exactly why I invented lightning.

Jesus: Jesus. I'm the one that died.

God: Are you dead now? Well?

Jesus: I'm unemployed…Fine. TGIFs.

God: I like that. Will you serve your blood?

Jesus: Not so much. More beer and wine. There'll be spirits too! Chicken wings, of course.

God: Who's bartending?

Jesus: Bartholomew. Get it? Bar?

God: Watch him. He takes from the donation basket. Oh, and I want 50%.

Jesus: Are you kidding me?

God: Say hello to my little friend, your new crucifix.

Jesus: 50% sounds great.