Tuesday 24 July 2018

One or Two Virgins

Does Heaven ever run out of virgins?

God (Allah) must have trouble meeting the demand. Think of how many terrorists have been killed since 9/11, and each one gets 72 virgins all to himself. Do the math. The numbers are staggering. Where do they all come from? Just how old are they? (disgusted face)

A woman can only be a virgin once, as I understand it. Unless Putin hacks their vagina and erases their virginity. Then posts it to Facebook. Status: previously pristine.

I was kind of hoping I could visit a virgin or two when I get to Heaven. I'll be single, since "til death do us part" means once I die I'm no longer married. I won't sacrifice myself for Allah, mostly because there's no way I could handle 72 virgins. I'll be asleep half way through the second one.

So one or two is good. Can I order now?