Thursday 13 January 2022

Money from Old People

Yesterday my mom gave me some money.

Keep these truths in mind when old people give you money.

You have to thank them twice. First when you receive the money, and again in about 1-2 weeks.

The second thank you must be much bigger than the first thank you. Think sending a balloongram or skywriting THANK YOU FOR THE MONEY with a small plane above where they live so they can see it out their window. Something they will remember.

Definitely thank them twice. Second time BIG thank you.

They've forgotten, so it doesn't hurt to maybe thank them a third time about 3 days after the second thank you.

Come to think of it, a fourth thank you, as a follow-up to the third and second thank you, which followed-up the first thank you, works well about 1.5 days after the third thank you.

Since you're in thank you mode, you might as well go for a fifth thank you 8 hours after the fourth thank you.………………

The sixth thank you should arrive an hour after the fifth thank you.

All subsequent thank you's are in person because you are going to move in with them and thank them every few minutes.

Personally I wouldn't thank them less than a second apart. That's a bit much.

Thank you for reading.