Thursday 6 December 2018

Baby It's Cold Outside (minus the rape)

Good news for those in Canada that love the melody of Baby It's Cold Outside, but heed the blatant call for rape in the lyrics.

A new version has been written. By Canada. You know – the place that isn't America.

In this improved version, a man sees a woman standing outside on a wintry minus thirty degrees day.

He goes outside and warns her of the cold and invites her inside for some hot chocolate. There is no Rohypnol in his house.

NO, you rapist. She says.

The man, realizing that consent hasn't been given, goes back inside.

The woman dies of hypothermia.

A neighbour witnesses that the man did not lend aid and comfort to the women, and testifies to this at the man's trial.

The man is convicted of second degree murder and jailed in a cell between two rapists.

I know. It's a bit complicated, but pretty catchy once the lyrics are matched up to the notes.