Wednesday 29 May 2024

Near Beer

Doug Ford | Since 2015, Tamara, Jeff and Chase Sandy have raised more than  $225K through Chase's Gift to support the families of children who have ...  | Instagram
Now you can wash those skittles down with a beer, son.

Finally, Ontario is getting beer in corner stores. Until now, it was only Ontario, North Korea and the 7 other planets in the solar system that didn't offer this convenience.

And people are complaining already. It only took a $225 million ransom payment to the Beer Store.

That's a deal, as far as I can tell. Ontario sells 1.2 billion beers a year. Divided by $225 million, that's $4.44 a beer. Oh, so close to buck-a-beer.

Remember the pasta jobs? $170,000 per job, paid for by the government.

Remember $13 billion for 3000 jobs at a car battery plant? $4.3 million per job. Of course we'd take the money instead. We're not stupid. The politicians are.

Here's wise money spent. The Federal government gave someone (friends?) $9 million to study the effects of climate change on democracy. Sounds like a high school homework assignment. It's due Friday. If you're late, we'll give you more money.

So, what's the problem? A fat politician signing a fat cheque.

Oh, of course that money could be used for, say, more family doctors. But the family doctor will just tell you to stop drinking. Is that what you want to hear? When the beer is so near? Nonsense.

It's estimated in 1 million years Ontario will introduce liquor to corner stores. It will cost $10 trillion.

Welcome to modernity, Ontario.