Tuesday 20 October 2020

Punch Buggy

Perhaps you are familiar with that widely popular and sophisticated game "Punch Buggy, No Punch Backs". I think it was developed by the inventor of Chess and Kerplunk.

Here's your objective: while you're driving, you try and spot as many Volkswagen Beetles as you can and every time you see one you punch your passenger while bleating "Punch Buggy, No Punch Backs".

Neat, eh?

Make sure you work in that important comma – punch buggy (pause) no punch backs. Crucial. You don't want to be caught saying "punch buggy no punch (pause) backs". Confusing, and it ruins the fun.

My daughter loves this game. So I asked her, hey daughter, what if I'm driving alone all day and I see 15 Beatles (oops, Beetles) on my trip. Can I store up the requisite punches, get home and then punch you 15 times?

I'd like that.

No, she said. Also, what the hell is requisite?

Why not?

Well, how do I know you actually saw the Beetles?

Because I'm your dad. And I can take pictures of them.


Then she punched me.

Said it was a pre-punch, for the next time we play the game.