Thursday 3 October 2019

Meanwhile, Back in Sleep Country Canada

Shaping up to be a nail-biter Canadian election, eh?

I had just decided to vote for Sheer and then realized I was doing it out of sheer blindness. The guy pretended to be an insurance salesman. And it wasn't even Halloween. Obviously Sheer was tired of having sex around this time of his life. Of course, being a conservative, he can't enjoy sex anyway. I'm sure Trudeau was looking for sex by painting his face black. I love a clear choice.

But, gotta say, Trudeau clinched it for me. Dude's gonna give me $2000 to go camping. Fuckin' ya. What Canadian doesn't have a right to play road hockey, go camping and follow it up with some timbits? Of course, I could really use the $2000 for some adult braces so I can have the prefect smile, like Justin. Oh well, gotta make sacrifices.

Legend has it the government paid for Tom Thomson to go camping too. Oh shit, he drowned. Yo, Justin, can you throw in some swimming lessons?

Meanwhile, in the US, people will be camping out to watch the impeachment live. And they have to pay for it themselves.