Tuesday 17 May 2016

Bucking the Trend

Do you go to Starbucks and order a plain old coffee?

How quaint.

Here's how to have more fun at Starbucks.

Tell them you name is Phat, and order a skinny peppermint latte.

When it's ready, they'll call out, "Phat – skinny latte!"

Then you say, "Well, which is it? Fat or skinny?"

You'll have loads of fun.

One time I told them my name was Encino. I ordered a frappuccino.

"Encino? Frappuccino?"

Too funny.

My favourite is you get a stripper to order a drink, and her name is Sugar.

"Hi, my name is Sugar, I'll have the free latte."

"So sugar-free latte for you?"

"Yes, please."

When the stripper gets it, she complains that she doesn't want a sugar-free latte, rather her name is Sugar and she wants a free latte.

"Hey, give me my free latte or I'll bust a cappuccino in your ass."

That's the kind of fun you can have at Starbucks.