Friday 17 July 2015

Is That a Gun in your Tote Bag?

I have no idea if any Americans read this blog. If there are any, I have a question for you.

The NRA, and a good deal of the population (not everyone, I realize), want there to be more and more guns available. They want guns in schools, teachers with guns, babies with guns, animals with guns, guns on golf courses, at nudist beaches, guns carrying guns around.

And they want it to be easy to get guns. Easier than buying a pack of nicorette, surfing for porn, or getting a glass of water at Denny's.

You get the picture. Many of the problems with American society are caused by too few guns, not too many.

Then I find out that the army recruitment centres in America are declared "gun-free zones".

Um, yaaaaaaa. What?

The place you go to join the very institution that uses guns for a living to defend the country doesn't allow guns in its "stores"?

Whose idea was that?

Does that make sense?

Did you know there were any gun-free zones?

Who created this "Strangelovian" world? This is the army, there will be no guns here!

Four "experts" on CNN, after much discussion, declared that this policy needs to be examined. Really? Is that what really needs to be examined?

That kind of logic defeats my brain. I need a world where this kind of logic doesn't survive.

I can't live in a world where kindergarten is a gun-toting zone and an army recruitment centre is a gun-free zone.

Please – allow guns at army recruitment centres. Do it for my brain.