Thursday 16 July 2015


A new study just came out, confirming our worst fears. Sitting IS the new smoking.

If you smoke a traditional cigarette, you will likely get cancer. If you sit for 6 hours, you will likely get cancer.

What about lying down? They never study that. If sitting is really that bad for you, wouldn't lying down, say to sleep, be even more sedentary, and thus more dangerous? Does sleeping cause cancer? Try not to lose sleep over that question. Or maybe you should?

Meanwhile, there's an even more important question.

If electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are healthier for you than the traditional cigarette, wouldn't the same be true of sitting?

Isn't sitting in an electric chair (e-chair) healthier than a traditional chair?

Does traditional mail give you cancer? Is e-mail healthier for you?

More studies, please.