Saturday 27 June 2015

The 150 Percenters

Being a famous and spectacularly successful writer is a huge burden.

But this blog is not about Stephen King.

The problem with ME being a writer is that I'm picky with language. Except when I'm drunk. Put some of that "vodka from the skull" in me and I speak more of a "languidage". Or perhaps a "liquidage."

When I'm sober, there is one English phrase, or meme, or verbal habit, that drives me nuts.

It comes from the 150 percenters.

As a group, the 150 percenters are the most annoying in society. These are people who say things like, "I'm so thankful for their effort. They gave 150%."

"I expect you to give 1000% on this project."

I guess what these people are really saying, but feel the need to couch it in a nonsensical phrase, is, "please, go that extra mile."

I hate going that extra mile. One thing I love about Canada is you don't have to go that extra mile. You go that extra kilometre, which is shorter and easier.

For these people, the glass isn't half empty or half full, but more than full, which makes so much sense. No need to fuss with a bigger glass. Just make this glass more than full.

Remember when Nigel Tufnel, from Spinal Tap, exclaimed about his amps that "these go to eleven?" We all laughed at the absurdity of that, correct?

Well, when the 150 percenters ask someone to give 150%, they are Nigel with his amps. They look and sound just as silly.

"Hey Bob, sorry I only gave 100% on that last job. But you know what? I found a bag full of 50% more energy, so here I am to help some more."

This group also says things like, "to infinity and beyond." They have watches that count metric minutes, which are shorter. You can fit more in across your lifespan.

Are there any 150 percenters among the one percent? Yes! They are the 151 percenters.

Keep this in mind. When a member of this group asks you if you could give 150%, what they are really saying is your last effort sucked. Smarten up and work harder.