Friday 4 March 2022

These Days

I'm so glad Spring is close at hand. And the pandemic seems to be waning.

Except for the hint of an impending global thermonuclear war, things are looking up.

Oh, and the UN climate committee has told us that it's basically too late for humanity and we won't survive climate change. But we should keep trying to prevent it, anyway. Take our minds off extinction.

Some good news. My doctor no longer asks me to cut down on my drinking. Turns out drinking a lot is still healthier than nuclear war or extinction.

I'm kind of hoping someone gives Putin a piece of paper and he divides it in two. On the left side he lists the benefits of starting a nuclear war and on the right side the costs.

Here's my list:




I've also been reading a lot about happiness. How to achieve it. Different scenarios that you might face and how to use your thinking powers to find the happiness in them. How to take a nothing day and certainly make it all seem worth while.

In flipping through my happiness book, I can't find anything on handling global thermonuclear war. That sure is an oversight. I think they need an appendix or something. Normally the appendix is useless, especially in humans, but not in this case.

Another funny thing I've noticed. How true some of those bad old clichés are. Remember the cold war phrase "better dead than red". Stupid, shallow, meaningless. Except that's the choice Ukraine is facing every day. They'd rather fight and die than live under Putin's puffy bobble head regime. Me too.

Evil empire. That's what Reagan called the Soviet Union. And we all laughed. What a bonehead. Doesn't understand history. Shallow. Except Putin is sending Russian protesters to the front lines to die in his war. To rebuild the Soviet Union. That meets my definition of the "E" word.

Ho hum, back to building my underground shelter.