Monday 16 April 2018

Wave Machine

I bought a wave machine last week that plays soft ocean wave sounds to help me sleep. Problem is, I get so relaxed that I sleep too deeply and for too long.

So – I added another sound. After a few hours the sound of a person drowning kicks in. "Help me, help me, I'm drowning – gurgle gurgle."

My CPR training kicks in and I wake up.

If for some reason I don't wake up, the person dies, washes up on the shore, and a police investigation starts. Definitely by the time the police are taking photos and combing the scene for any possible crime, I wake up.

If, however, this still doesn't wake me up, the police interview a witness and figure out a murder has taken place. They pursue the murderer. Then I wake up.

But. If that doesn't wake me up, then…