Friday 6 April 2018

Himalayan Salt

I was reading all about Himalayan salt lamps the other day. Some of the benefits they deliver include:

• Reduce allergies, asthma and colds
• Ease coughing
• Induce better sleep
• Improve mood
• Treat SAD
• Purify the air

Okay, so I have a few questions. I assume that people who live close to the Himalayans, where naturally there is a massive concentration of salt, never have colds, never cough, always have great sleeps, always in a good mood, never depressed in Winter and never breath pollution.

Someone should test that.

You can also buy Himalayan pink salt and put it on your food. So let's kill two birds with one piece of salt. Instead of buying a lamp, eat some Himalayan salt and hold a light to your stomach. Boom, you're healthy.

Or, instead of buying pink salt for your food, cheese-grate some of your lamp onto a delicious steak.

These tips will save you money and keep you healthy.

Another alternative, which I rejected based on it being a logistical nightmare, is to drill a huge hole in the Himalayan mountains, lower a huge light bulb into the hole and turn it on. This way the entire world can enjoy these benefits.