Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Think Tank

I might join a think tank.

I'm thinking about it, that is. Not one actually joins a think tank. One only thinks about it.

If you actually join a think tank, you have surpassed thinking and are now "doing" something.

That would be a "do tank", and the last kind of tank I want to join is a tank that requires me to do things.

Does all the thinking have to be done in a tank? I'm not sure. Will everyone fit? Will there be air conditioning and snacks?

What kind of tank is it? A military tank would be cool. A gasoline tank not so much.

The idea of a think mattress sounds more enticing to me. All my best thinking is done on a mattress.

My wife is joining an overthink tank, because she overthinks everything. The hours are very long.

"Hey Bill, you know that thing we were thinking about yesterday? I went and did it."

"You actually did it? Get out of here. You're fired."