Thursday 9 March 2017


I have a great idea for a new board game.

It combines Scrabble and Perquackey.

Wait a minute, no. That was my old idea.

It's a combo of chess and Twister. Was that it? Now I'm not sure.

Let's see. I was doing laundry, the phone rang, and my bundt cake was ready, all at the same time. I ran up the stairs, forgot I had left the iron on, and quickly washed some dishes from last month. I forgot about my poor bundt cake, and suddenly noticed I hadn't fed the dog in a week.

I tripped on the iron cord and hit my head, and then…that's it. The new idea!

It combines Scattergories and Cranium.

It's called Scatterbrain.

Weird that a guy like me would get an idea like that.