Thursday 16 February 2017

Razing A Stink

The English language is so full of confusing words that I'm thinking of giving it up as a means of communication.

It mangles meaning – the English mangleage.

My most unfavourite word is: Raze (completely destroy something to the ground)

I get it, a million years ago lots of grass huts and wooden mangers were burning to the ground, and they needed a special word for it, other than, "Oh shitcakes."

Raze? This is what the word committee settled on? A word that sounds EXACTLY the same as another word (raise) which means its EXACT opposite.

Were they out of words at the word store that day? "I'm sorry, we're out of new words today, all the consonants are being rented but we have plenty of vowels available. Can I interest you in a used word?"

Reminds me of those people who rhyme all their children's names. Meet Kim, Tim, Slim and Jim. Slim and Jim are twins. That's so cute it's almost annoying.

Ya, I'd like to raze a stink about this. Oh shit, see what happens when you confuse words?

Poor Sam at his barn razing – "Guys, you burned everything down. I said barn RAISING."

"Hey boss, can you raise my salary?"

"Raze it? Done!"

"I'm not sure if I want to raise my kids or raze them."

I thought language was invented to clear things up between people.

Caveman: Listen dude, enough with the grunting. I never know if you want to go fuck with a mastodon or practice our cave painting. We need a language.

And this isn't even the worst of it. Every day people are confusing the word "Paul" and "Sexy".

This caveman is done with English.