Saturday 10 September 2016

You and Me FC

I was riding the subway last week when suddenly I got the uncomfortable feeling that some creep was staring at me.

I quickly realized it was me – staring at my reflection in the window.

That got me thinking, as all things do.

What would happen if I cloned myself and then we got in a fight? Would I win? Which one of me? Or would it be a draw?

Anything other than a draw would make me a winner and a loser, since there are two of me, who are the same me, but the real me would be the winner.

Assuming I could figure out who the real me is. Is the real me the person writing this? Makes sense to me, but a clone of me would contain all the same atoms that wrote this article, and would remember writing the article, and yet he (me) wasn't there when I wrote it.

I have a splitting headache.

How would I win? I would have to outsmart myself. I wonder if I'm smart enough to do that. Or maybe I would have to be dumb enough so that the other me, being dumb, can be easily outsmarted.

I suppose I could cram Luminosity brain games to improve my I.Q. and win. Unless the other me, who I don't think is really me, despite evidence to the contrary, also thought of brain games.

I think my brain is on fire.

I would have to be different than myself, as in "out of character", at least for the duration of the fight. Lots of people say I'm different, so maybe there's hope for me. But every time I've done something out of character I've gotten in big trouble.

If I actually did win I'd feel bad for me – the other me.

I would want to hug it out with me. Maybe that's how things would start – with a big hug. After all, I'm deathly afraid of fighting.

I wonder how the other me would have written this blog.