Friday, 12 August 2016
A Rare Astronomical Event
During the night of the Perseid meteor shower, a very rare and awe-inspiring event took place.
Scientists and astronomers across the globe were astounded that it actually occurred. No scientific theory or equation predicted it.
Forget the Higgs Boson. This was BIG.
The ramifications will be felt throughout human history for some time to come.
The event: I actually got my ass out of bed during the night to watch the Perseid shower.
3:30 a.m.: My alarm clock repeatedly punched me in the face. "PAUL. THE SHOWER. GET UP."
I peeled my face off the pillow, pulled my underwear down from my shoulders and crawled, navy seal-style, to my cottage dock. Okay, that could also have been vodka-consuming style.
I looked up to behold the perplexing universe. I was so insignificant. What does it all mean?
The universe answered me with…a heavy rain storm.
Not a mother fucking meteor in sight.
I swam back to bed.
That is all.