Tuesday 29 December 2015

Now I'm Even More Confused

I'll be honest. I don't know if God actually exists. Not in the sense that I know black mould exists on the floor of my shower, and I should really clean it every few months.

This means that religion, to me, is the sales and marketing team for selling the idea that He actually does exist.

Well, He needs to bang some heads on the sales and marketing team. They suck.

On the subway, one of His marketing campaigns says that, "God made you for the pleasure of knowing you."

That makes me feel like He made me for His pleasure alone. Kind of like when I was a kid at camp I made a soap stone carving of a polar bear. I felt good about it and it was neat to hold and look at.

If God really made me like that, why does He put conditions on my existence? Why do I need to love Him? Why do I need to be good?

I didn't expect my carving to love me. It was my decision to make it. And if I was unhappy with the way my carving turned out, who should I blame? The carving? That doesn't make much sense.

I should throw the carving in the lake and start on a new carving until I'm happy with it. Maybe take a carving course. Start with something simpler that has no legs, like a baby seal.

So what's with the Bible, a huge set of conditions that He places on me? Do this, don't do that, this makes me angry, that pleases me.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? The conditions should be on Him, not me. Hey man, you screwed up when you made me. What's with the nagging? Start again if you're so unhappy.

Free will? That was your decision. If my soap stone polar bear came alive and ate me, could I really blame him? He's a polar bear for goodness sake.

I think it's time God admitted His mistake and started again.

Sure, there will be lots of unemployed sales and marketing people, but ISIS is always looking for smart PR professionals.