Thursday, 25 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: and the Oscar goes to…
and the Oscar goes to…
Wednesday, 24 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: Back to basics
Back to basics
It's back to basics for kindergarten in Ontario.
From climate change, gender politics and rewriting history to poopy pants, telling on your friends and running in the yard. It will be a hard adjustment for our children.
Also, no tobogganing in class.
Monday, 22 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: Twisted leader
Twisted leader
In case you didn't recognize her, this is Sophie Trudeau. Probably on that Jamaican beach that cost Justin $100,000 to stay for the week over Christmas.
Sorry, he didn't actually pay for it. After first saying he did pay for it. Did you know some of his assistants had to stay at nice resorts near him? At taxpayer's expense! In case he needed his swimming trunks pressed. I applied for that job, but decided my efforts where better spent here helping Metrolinx build their subway. I figured I know as much about subway-building as they do.
Turns out Sophie is starting a new career as a yoga instructor. Her first client will be Justin. Apart from the health benefits, the best part of yoga is Justin learning to twist himself into all kinds of different shapes justifying to Canadians why he needs a week-long $100,000 vacation.
Joe Biden, who is currently risking his political ass using military might to keep all our Amazon orders freely flowing through the Red Sea, has not managed the time for a $100,000 week-long vacation. Oh, and the small feat of beating the world's number one terrorist. Trump.
It was Jane Austin who wrote, "it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife, and a $100,000 week-long vacation."
Okay. I added that last part. A quote from Pride and Prejudice, both of which Justin has. Remember the black face?
Justin is up on his resorts but down in the poles. Sorry, I meant polls. He's quite popular in the North and South poles polls, where no one has heard of him.
Anyway, I'm sure with a little effort and a very large can of Silvo, Justin will improve his tarnished reputation.
The future of $100,000 beach yoga is riding on it.
Friday, 12 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: Not funny ha ha
Not funny ha ha
Any material you find on this site that's not funny was written by Jo Koy.
If you book an appointment, Mr. Koy will come to your house and personally apologize for not making you laugh.
You don't even have to say anything to him. Just purse your lips, a la Taylor Swift.
Mr. Koy will not be coy. He will blame me for the bad material.
But it's all his fault!
Thursday, 11 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: The year of living expensively
Wednesday, 10 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: In Freeland you get arrested
In Freeland you get arrested
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Keep smiling. Bigggggger. See my teeth? Do that. |
I was gonna ask Chrystia Freeland a question yesterday but was afraid I'd get arrested.
Just wanted to know why she doesn't own a car.
Then it hit me. She uses a taxpayer-funded chauffeur.
Oh shit. RCMP at the door.
Monday, 8 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: Forgetting Facebook
Forgetting Facebook
Friday, 5 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: How was your Christmas?
How was your Christmas?
I hope ya'll had a good Christmas.
I sure hope Justin Trudeau did. He definitely put in a good effort.
He stayed at a $9500/night resort in Jamaica. For 10 nights. For free.
Family friend.
It's a former slave plantation.
Anyway, listen. We can all relax and enjoy 2024 more knowing that "Dundas" will be gone, due to its association with…um…slavery.
PS: It's an ugly rumour that Justin was in black face at this resort. Seems like people confused that with the black eye Sophie gave him.
Thursday, 4 January 2024
Helloooo Newman: Booze-free January
Booze-free January
Are you doing a booze-free January like all the other smart people?
I am.
That's why I'm visiting friends. For free booze.
You're next!