Thursday 8 April 2021

You Can't Lock Jesus Down

In case you haven't noticed, I ain't getting any younger. Yup – wheelchair ramps, gum disease and a body shaped like ginger root are in my near future.

Who, you might ask, will inherit this comedy empire I've single-handedly built from the sewer up.

My brilliant daughter, obviously.

Case in point –

On day one of a new stay-at-home order we see a man wandering the hood holding up a sign saying "Jesus is the one, the way blah blah blah" and other complete mumbo jumbo.

I was aghast. "Well, you can't lock Jesus down", I said.

My daughter responded, "Nope. You can nail him down, though."

I laughed so hard I threw up my Hawkins Cheezies. They're expensive.

I can rest easy knowing the empire is in good hands.

Hey Jesus, if you don't have any vaccine, stay home.